
Da Minipedia.
Versione del 26 giu 2020 alle 18:23 di Valerio Bozzolan (discussione | contributi) (work in progress)
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  • Firefox / Safari: tenere premuto il tasto delle maiuscole Shift e fare clic su Ricarica, oppure premere Ctrl-F5 o Ctrl-R (⌘-R su Mac)
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 * Add "Purge" content action link.
 * Dependencies: mediawiki.util
 * @source
 * @revision 2014-05-14
$.when( mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'oojs-ui-core' ] ), $.ready ).then( function () {

	// global configuration file
	window.MiniPedia = window.MiniPedia || {};

	// shortcut for the global configuration file (mp = mini-pedia)
	var mp = window.MiniPedia;

	// default namespace name
	mp.namespace = mp.namespace || 'Mini';

	// work only in the main namespace
	var ns = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
	if( ns !== 0 ) {

	// add a "Minipedia"
	var miniVersionPortletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink(
	    'Mini Version',
	    'Open Minipedia',

	var pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
	var miniPageName = mp.namespace + ':' + pageName;

	 * Check if a page title already exists
	 * @param title    Page title
	 * @param callback Callback with one boolean argument telling if the page title exists or not
	function pageExists( title, callback ) {

		// prepare the API request
		var request = {
			action: 'query',
			prop: 'info',
			titles: title

		// make the API request
		( new mw.Api() ).get( request ).done( function ( response ) {

			// no response no party
			if( !response.query ) {
				throw 'no response';

			var page;
			for( var i in response.query ) {
				page = response.query[i];
				if( page.pageid && page.pageid > 0 ) {

					// exists
					callback( true );

			// does not exist
			callback( false );
		} );

	// on the mini toolback click, check if a mini version exists
	$( miniVersionPortletLink ).click( function() {

		// check if the mini version exists
		pageExists( miniPageName, function( miniPageExists ) {
			if( miniPageExists ) {
				// do something
			} else {
				// do something else
		} );
	} );
} );